About Us
The Kobayashi Laboratory at Ochanomizu University researches a broad range of topics, including natural language processing and artificial intelligence. We enjoy our research activities with our students, aiming at the computational realization of “linguistic intelligence”, in which humans think and perform intellectual activities using natural language.
One student gave a poster presentation at ACL2024 held at Bangkok, Thailand. (Aug 11th-16th, 2024)
One paper was accepted for the INLG2024(Short paper). (Jul 15th, 2024)
One paper was accepted for the ACL2024 Findings. (Jun 5th, 2024)
Eleven students gave presentations at The 38th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence held at the ACT CITY Hamamatsu in Shizuoka, Japan. (May 28-31st, 2024)
Nine students joined our lab. (Apr 1st, 2024)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C): 判定理由が回答可能な規則適合判定技術に関する研究 (2023−2026)
Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory): 低次機能を融合し高次機能を獲得する発達型人工神経回路網開発への挑戦 (2023−2025)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B): 言語を用いた記号操作による実世界シミュレーション開発 (2023−2026)
Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas(B): 情動をもたらす言語芸術の脳科学 (2021-2024)